Activity 1: Program to print the difference of two numbers. Also create the control Flow Diagram of the Program.
Activity 2: Program to print the positive difference of two numbers.
Activity 3: Check whether a number is positive, negative, or zero.
Activity 4: Display the appropriate message as per the colour of signal at the road crossing.
Activity 5: Write a program to create a simple calculator performing only four basic operations.
Activity 6: Program to find the larger of the two pre-specified numbers.
Activity 7: Write a program to print the first five natural numbers.
Activity 8: Program to print the characters in the string ‘PYTHON’ using "for" loop.
Activity 9: Program to print the numbers in a given sequence using "for" loop.
Activity 10: Program to print even numbers in a given sequence using "for" loop.
Activity 11: Program to print the multiples of 10 for numbers in a given range.
Activity 12: Program to print first 5 natural numbers using "while" loop.
Activity 13: Program to find the factors of a whole number using "while" loop.
Activity 14: Write a Program to demonstrate use of "break" statement.
Activity 15: Find the sum of all the positive numbers entered by the user. As soon as the user enters a negative number, stop taking in any further input from the user and display the sum.
Activity 16: Program to check if the input number is prime or not.
Activity 17: Write a Program to demonstrate the use of continue statement.
Activity 18: Program to demonstrate working of nested for loops.
Activity 29: Program to print the pattern for a number input by the user.
Activity 20: Program to find prime numbers between 2 to 50 using nested for loops.
Activity 21: Write a program to calculate the factorial of a given number.
Activity 22: What is the difference between "else" and "elif" construct of if statement?
Activity 23: What is the purpose of range() function? Give one example.
Activity 24: Differentiate between "break" and "continue" statements using examples.
Activity 25: What is an infinite loop? Give one example.
Activity 26: Write a program that takes the name and age of the user as input and displays a message whether the user is eligible to apply for a driving license or not. (the eligible age is 18 years).
Activity 27: Write a function to print the table of a given number. The number has to be entered by the user.
Activity 28: Write a program that prints minimum and maximum of five numbers entered by the user.
Activity 29: Write a program to check if the year entered by the user is a leap year or not.
Activity 30: Write a program to generate the sequence: –5, 10, –15, 20, –25….. upto n, where n is an integer input by the user.
Activity 31: Write a program to find the sum of 1+ 1/8 + 1/27......1/n3, where n is the number input by the user.
Activity 32: Write a program to find the sum of digits of an integer number, input by the user.
Activity 33: Write a function that checks whether an input number is a palindrome or not.
Activity 34:
Activity 35:
Activity 36:
Activity 37:
Activity 38:
Activity 39: